Thursday, December 30, 2010

"See you next year!" (the most overused irritating not-really-that-funny "joke"

Ahhhh we are a day away from 2011 and I'm sitting here When I look back on the past year I've accomplished quite a bit and yet I really am no closer to figuring out a "life plan" as I was in 2010.

I graduated. The plan is to someday be a high school English Teacher. Yet, I'm working as a CNA/Habilitation Aide at a group home. I suppose, in a way, that makes sense too. I always enjoyed working with individuals with disabilities. But it’s hard work, and even harder (I realized) when the person you are working with isn't your little brother any longer. I can forgive my brother for a lot of things, but when someone you don't know grabs your crotch and threatens to rip off your lady parts...ugh then sometimes I wish I'd fought harder to be a teacher right away.

The truth is, I'll have to move to get a teaching job. And I'm just not ready. I've moved my whole life, actually I think I've lived in Missoula the longest of anywhere. I love it here, but eventually I'll have to come to terms with heading out into the world.

One factor in the decision to stay is...[insert romantic music intro] my boyfriend. See, I never really intended for this to happen. It started off casual, and then we started dating. Then he left for the summer and I thought, 'there's no way in hell we will last 3 months long distance'. But we did. And here we are, and I can't imagine not being able to see him as often as possible.

My lovely little Siamese Jasmine that I adopted with my bestie Rachael last year, turned out to be pretty sick, and there was just nothing I could do to fix her. So I made the decision to put her to sleep. Which was the worst day of my life. It was not like the movies. Marley and Me lies! It's much colder and scarier. Nick went with me, and I'm so glad, I'm not sure I could have done it without him.
I discovered that I just couldn't go home and not have something to take care of. So about a month later, I went to a shelter and walked into a cage with about 10 five month old kittens. Only one was instantly enamored with me and would have crawled into my pocket if she could have! I looked around and saw a couple other cats I liked but kept looking over at her. I asked someone about her and they grabbed her file and it turns out her name was Jasmine. I'm a firm believer in fate. Even so, I went home and slept on it. It was between her and an all black cat named Farrah. I waited 2 days and went back with my boyfriend determined to make my decision. Farrah, had already been adopted. I still looked at some of the other kittens that were playful, but Jasmine was all over me and Nick, and he looked at me and said "well I think the decisions been made."

I took her home and named her Mira Roze. She likes to sit back on her haunches and play and she is often heard makes noises that resemble a meer cat so I thought it was appropriate! She's my little love bug. I still miss Jazzy. But Mira has wiggled her way quickly in my life and I can't imagine it without her.

I spent the holidays this year with Nick's family. I went to Havre MT and met his dad's side for Thanksgiving. And Christmas was spent with his mom’s side. They are an amazing group of people. So much fun, and kind and generous and make you feel all warm and gooey inside when you leave. When they say "we hope to see you again soon" you know they aren't just being nice, and that they really mean it.

Last year on New Years I was in a car wreck and ended up going home and watching Dexter and falling asleep before Midnight. This year the boyfriend is bar backing at one of my favorite bars and so I plan to go there after work and see if I can make it to the New Year!

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